Christopher C. Miller
Chris was a public servant for 34 years in the Army and the national security apparatus of the United States.
His service culminated in his having the role of the Acting Secretary of Defense for the United States. In this capacity, Chris oversaw the military’s $720 Billion budget and successfully led its two million service members and seven hundred thousand civilian employees through one of the most tumultuous periods in American history.
Chris is also one of his generation’s most seasoned national security professionals. In particular, he possesses extensive cross-cultural and multigenerational experience operating from the ground-level with foreign governments and leading U.S. and allied military and security forces, to the highest corridors of power domestically and internationally. He has extensive Intelligence Community experience as well.
Prior to his role as Acting Secretary of Defense, the US Senate unanimously confirmed Chris (on August 6, 2020) as the Director of the National Counterterrorism Center where he was responsible for defending the U.S from terrorist attacks. Prior to his confirmation, Chris led the Department of Defense’s counterterrorism and irregular warfare efforts. He also served temporarily as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations with responsibility for fighting Al Qaida, recovering American hostages and transforming the DoD to compete against rising powers.
In 2018 and 2019 Chris was the Special Assistant to the President for Counterterrorism and Transnational Threats at the White House. As the government’s senior most policy-making official in those fields, Chris developed and implemented strategy and policy and provided counsel to the National Security Advisor, Vice-President, and President.
Chris’ experiences and philosophy are available in his recently published book, “Soldier-Secretary: Warnings from the Battlefield & the Pentagon about America’s Most Dangerous Enemies.”